Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pictures Of Gonorrhea More Condition_symptoms I Thought I Had Chlamydia Or Gonorrhea But Now I'm Not Sure?

I thought I had chlamydia or gonorrhea but now I'm not sure? - pictures of gonorrhea more condition_symptoms

OK, 2nd September was a one-night stand. On 5 September, I began with irritation when urinating. On 6 September it was clear to me, my penis seemed to management that I saw pictures of chlamydia. That evening I went to the emergency room examined. The doctor rubs his approval for the laboratory and sent me said I would receive a call within 72 hours and lab results when I tested positive. They also gave me 4x 250 mg (1 gram) of azithromycin in cases of chlamydia and an infusion of 125 mg of ceftriaxone in cases of gonorrhea.

It has been almost a week, and I have not heard the lab. It reminds me that I was not positive for good. But while my symptoms were significantly reduced, not completely disappeared.

I'm really confused. I can call any of these sexually transmitted diseases and the laboratory forgot ... which means that perhaps the treatment is not 100% effective? Maybe I did not CHLAM / Gon and could be something more?

Thoughts? Council? I am very poor and can not afford to continue going to the emergency room. =9, (


livin_th... said...

Call the hospital and ask for the results of your tests. It will cost nothing and should be there on file. If the ER is more expensive, and you think it needs further studies, seek a kind of Planned Parenthood of establishment. You are charged of sexually transmitted diseases and operating costs, which can go.

michaely... said...

I guess not chlamydia or gonorrhea, but maybe something else. If you have always been better without antibiotics, then probably not a bacterial infection, or if it is, is very sweet and not an STD.

Vicky said...

Contact the doctor who treated him and remember condoms are for a reason.
Could it be thrush or urinary tract infections.

andrew w said...

Call or see to the hospital for a physical copy of the laboratory,

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